18 movements shibashi:
13 thru 15

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All the moves to be done at the same time are in small blocks. Each block has a name liketransition move:
and then all the actions for you to do are indented. For more help with basic techniques and the instruction layout go to tai chi instruction- enjoy your 18 movements shibashi
position check
body facing 1:30 left foot half step forward to 1:30; weight on left leg;
palms facing floor at waist height; elbows in line with sides
Flying Dove spreads its Wings
overall effect
imagine that you have huge wings and closing them to form a circle in front of you and then opening them out really wide to get lots of fresh air into your lungs

center from right:
- breathe out
- turn waist to 12:00
- bring right foot to left foot; toes point to 12:00
- transfer weight to center
- bring arms to sides at thigh
turn to left:
- breathe in
- shift weight to right foot
- turn waist left to 10:30
- left foot half step forward to 10:30
- extend arms out and up to shoulder height
- elbows slightly bent
left lean forward:
- breathe out
- lean forward to 10:30
- gradually transfer weight to left
- curve arms and palms to center until fingers almost touch
- raise right heel

left lean backwards
- breathe out
- pull body back to upright
- gradually transfer weight to right foot
- lower right heel
- raise left toe
- open arms out to shoulder height
- palms facing 10:30
- elbows slightly bent

center from left:
- waist turns to 12:00
- bring left foot to right foot; toes point to 12:00
- bring left foot half step back in line with right foot
- breathe out
- transfer weight to left foot
turn to right:
- waist turns to 1:30
- right foot half step forward to 1:30
- breathe in
right lean forward:
- breathe out
- lean forward to 1:30
- gradually transfer weight to right foot
- curve arms and palms to center until fingers almost touch
- raise left heel

right lean backwards
- breathe in
- pull body back to upright
- gradually transfer weight to left foot
- lower left heel
- raise right toe
- open arms out to shoulder height
- palms facing 1:30
- elbows slightly bent
Punching in a Horse-riding Stance
overall effect
slow motion punching with soft fists
center from right:
- turn waist to 12:00
- breathe out
- bring right foot in line with left with wide stance
- transfer weight to center
- bend knees slightly
- bring arms down
- palms up to make soft fists
- draw in both fists to the waist
left punch out:
- breathe out
- extend left fist to 12:00 at chest height
- as you extend turn the fist palm down
- elbow slightly bent
left pull back:
- breathe in
- draw left fist back to waist
- as you pull back turn the fist palm up
- elbow slightly bent

right punch out
- breathe out
- extend right fist to 12:00 at chest height
- as you extend turn the fist palm down
- elbow slightly bent
right pull back:
- breathe in
- draw right fist back to waist
- as you pull back turn the fist palm up
- elbow slightly bent
Flying Wild Goose
overall effect
like a large bird flapping it’s wings up and down
transition move
- open palms facing upward
- sink body
- drawing arms to side of the thighs
- palms facing thighs
raise heels:
- breathe in
- raise both heels
- weight on ball of each foot
- raise body
- curve arms up and out above the head shoulder width apart
- elbows slightly bent
- palms face 12:00

lower heels:
- breathe out
- lower heels to ground
- sink body
- curve both arms downwards to thighs
- palms face thighs at sides
- fingers point to floor
If you find that a shibashi instruction is unclear then please contact us
end of this group - congratulations
If you find that a shibashi instruction is unclear then please contact us