beijing 24 resources
beijing 24 resources contents
We have found lots of great resources for you to try out. We hope you find something you like. You can either keep scrolling down or go to the contents list using. If you have a favorite resource that you think should be here - let us know and we will have a look at it.
PDF Files to Download
yang 24 stances and turns
a single page telling you which stance you are in and what direction to turn next. The most interesting thing for me is that the
24 steps are divided into sections, horse's mane, sparrow, kick and shuttle might be helpful to memorise the sequences
click to download Yang 24 memory guide
qigong healing and hypnosis
combine qigong and hypnosis to master techniques
Shaolin qigong course
Improve with just 15 minutes a day. Build experience week by week .
Free qigong course
Discover Master qigong and tai chi with this powerful
course. Sign up for free sample lessons...
people of interest
Professor Li deyin
other sites with tai chi 24 form instructions
Kelly Maclean instructions
In the newsletter archives they have a
good series of pictures (lots) and instructions for most of the taiji 24 form.
starting in Feb 2001 Look for the title Taiji 24 form - Part 1 of 8, 2 of 8 etc
The whole beijing 24 form in 28 line drawings -each posture is in its own box with arrows to indicate direction of move. The posture names are prunited underneath - more of a reminder than a teaching aid. Worth a look.
sites of interest
tai chi productions This is Dr Paul Lam's site. It has some good articles on improving your form and reviews and questions about his videos and dvds in the discussion forum. Well worth a visit!
whisper beauties tai chi garden
All pictures - over 140 of the beijing
24 form on same page - small pictures - although you can
load them step by step - no words that we could see.