chi exercise - quietening the chi
quietening the chi exercise contents
qigong healing and hypnosis
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Qigong exercises energise the movement of chi in the body and at the end of a set of exercises it is good to store or redirect the chi back into the Dantien. It might help to think of Dantien as a battery (inside the body about 2 fingers width below the navel and a couple of inches inwards) that you have just recharged.This exercise looks as though you are scooping water into your hands to cool your forehead and then using the sides of your palms to brush away any spills down the front of your body
There are many exercises to balance or store chi, this one is the closing move of an 18 posture tai chi chi kung exercise called shibashi. If you would like to learn more please visit shibashi introduction
- relaxes you and allows you to gather your thoughts
- calms and energizes ready for next activity
- focus awareness on guiding your energy into the dantien and breathe slowly and gently
- always do things slowly and comfortably Tai chi and qigong for health and relaxation are not meant to hurt! ever!
chi exercise instructions:
opening position:
- stand with feet shoulder width apart
- feet parallel and facing 12:00
- imagine head lifted from crown
- chin tucked in slightly
- eyes forward and relaxed
- shoulders relaxed
- arms hang loosely down
- fingers gently apart and slightly curved
- palms towards body
- tailbone tucked in
- knees relaxed - slightly bent
transition move:
- breathe out
- sink body
- bring hands to front of body at hip height
at the Dantien level - palms face up - tips of little fingers almost touching
raise chi:
- breathe in
- raise body
- gently curve arms up until palms face forehead
ground chi:
- breathe in
- turn palms downward
- draw arms down to hip height
- sink body
Repeat: raise chi thru ground chi 6- 8 times
return to opening position:
- breathe in
optional calming time:
- turn palms to stomach.
- men left hand on Dantien covered by right
- women right hand in Dantien covered by left
- focus on the Dantien energy
- breathe in slowly
- breathe out slowly
complete closing:
- raise body
- arc arms to sides
- palms face thighs
end of chi exercise
Putting it all together:
The complete chi exercise sequence