eight brocade books
Lots of books have the eight brocades in them - not all tell you that on the
cover. Here's the ones we found.
Eight Simple Qigong Exercises for Health

The Eight Pieces of Brocade by Yang jwing-Ming
reviews from 2 stars to 5 stars at Amazon
Qigong Basics
One of the Tuttle Martial Arts range.
Has 10 pages of pictures and instructions good for beginners
Qi Gong For Beginners

Eight Easy Movements For Vibrant Health - gets good reviews at Amazon:
Also refers to them as 8 silken movements
Ancient Way to Keep Fit

30 sets of classical exercises taken from original sources - with new or clarified illustrations - Not Reviewed - still in the review pile
Qigong: A Legacy in Chinese Healing

by Dean Y. Deng, Enid Ballin ISBN: 0965756084
The Eight Treasures With Qigong
Only available second hand at Amazon less than a $1