free qigong exercises
holding the sun
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Enjoy another of our free qigong exercises with these step by step instructions for 'holding the sun in one hand'. We use it as part of our warm up routines and it is very relaxing to do.It looks as though you are holding a ball in the palm of your outstretched hand and as you move your arm the ball follows the path of a circle - if you would like to be a bit more poetic you can imaging the sun circling the earth.
- as with all the rocking forward and back qigong movements this is good for balance and co-ordination
- the gentle stretch forward and backwards is also good for loosening tension in the muscles of the lower back
- the image of a ball of sunshine usually makes people smile - releasing 'happy' chemicals in the blood stream - so you feel better
- when the sun is in your left hand move it anticlockwise round the dial and when the sun is in the right hand move it clockwise around the dial.
- try to develop a smooth backwards and forwards gentle rocking movement so that the whole movement becomes free flowing
- you can also do this exercise with a weighted tai chi ball as a form of resistance training - avoid anything too heavy because you are stretching forward and using lower back muscles.
- always do things slowly and comfortably Tai chi and qigong for health and relaxation are not meant to hurt! ever!
free qigong exercises: holding the sun in one hand:
opening position:
- stand with feet shoulder width apart
- feet parallel and facing 12:00
- imagine head lifted from crown
- chin tucked in slightly
- eyes forward and relaxed
- shoulders relaxed
- arms hang loosely down
- fingers gently apart and slightly curved
- palms towards body
- tailbone tucked in
- knees relaxed - slightly bent

left transition move:
- breathe out
- extend both arms waist height
- turn palms face up at 6:00
- bring right palm in to right side of waist
- take half step forward on left leg to 10:30
left move forward:
- breathe in
- transfer weight to left foot
- extend left arm in an anti clockwise arc away from the body
(go thu 3:00 then 12:00) (right half of circle) - left palm in line with left shoulder
- raise right heel as you transfer weight into left foot
left draw back:
- breathe out
- transfer weight to right foot
- draw left hand back to body in anti clockwise arc (left half of circle) (go thru 9:00 and back to 6:00)
- raise left toe as you transfer weight into right foot
repeat left move forward thru left move backward 6-8 times
right transition move:
- extend both arms waist height
- turn palms face up 6:00
- bring left palm in to left side of waist
- take half step forward on right leg to 1:30
right move forward:
- breathe in
- transfer weight to right foot
- extend right arm in a clockwise arc away from the body
go thru 9:00 then 12:00 (left half of circle) - right palm in line with right shoulder
- raise left heel as you transfer weight into right foot
right draw back:
- breathe out
- transfer weight to left foot
- draw right hand back to body in clockwise arc
go thru 3:00 then to 6:00 (right half of circle) - raise right toe as you transfer weight into left foot
repeat right move forward thru right move backward 6-8 times
return to starting position:
- bring right foot back in line with left foot
- transfer weight to both feet
- turn palms face down
- arc arms to sides palm facing leg
end of free qigong exercise end of qi gong exercise
Putting it all together:
The complete free qigong exercises sequence