learn tai chi online
Can I learn tai chi online?
The short answer is yes you can.
If you are in a hurry we only recommend one online tai chi course sign up now for your sample lesson or read our review for more info
Now you can learn tai chi at home while sitting at the computer.
There seem to be two main variations.
Watch and learn
This is where you view the lessons on line - these may consist of videos and spoken lectures. The benefits of this are that you can go over and over the lesson until you feel that you have got it or you can "whiz" through areas that you have covered with another teacher.
Some of the more expensive courses enable you to join a forum and even send in videos of your performance so that you can get individualised courses.
We've tried a couple of these and the results have been very mixed ...
We did find a really great course that we are pleased to recommend. So if you are interested in this type of training we can recommend Al Simon's course.
Al is so serious about getting the right training for his students that he insists you take some sample lessons before you commit to spending money - sign up now for your sample lesson or read our review for more info
Interactive class
This where you learn tai chi online with a real teacher watching what
you do and providing feedback in real time.
There are only a couple of sites offering this at the moment and we have not tried them out. They seem to charge the same as standard classes - about $20 a lesson. You might have to watch out for things like different time zones and take into consideration that the teacher will need to be able to see you clearly. So things to consider include the quality of your camera and whether your home lighting shows you clearly.
Do your research
Either way if you want to learn tai chi online - compare several sites. A great looking site does not always have the best lessons.
Ask some basic questions:-
Does it offer free sample lessons?
how do I ask questions about the tai chi lessons - is there a forum or email address for students?
what kind of support documentation is there?
how do I know if I am doing well? What kind of feedback is there?
how much does it cost? Is it weekly, on a per session basis, or a single on time fee?
Now what? - you have the answers.....
Well we can't tell you who to pick, what we can do is is help you sort out what is important to you
Did you like the sample lessons and feel that they helped you understand the lessons and the tai chi principles?
Is it value for money? Typical tai chi lessons can cost between $10 to $30 an hour! And a single simple tai chi form can take 10 - 20 hours (concentrated) - and then a lifetime of practice.