qi exercise: awakening the qi
qi exercise contents
qigong healing and hypnosis
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Most qigong sets start with some kind of opening move to create better breathing and to stimulate the chi or qi. One of the main reasons for doing this is to give you the opportunity to clear your mind and focus on your exercises
We often do this qi exercise - Awakening the Chi - several times in a session as we do different sets of warms ups and a variety of short qi gong patterns.
- because it promotes deep breathing it is good for the lungs
- clears the mind of tension
- stimulates chi or qi by moving the hands up from and back to the Dantien – the main energy reserve of qi
- you can afford to do this one super slow. Take advantage of the deep breathing and imagine you are being revitalised on the in breath and getting rid of worries and tension on the out breath.
- always do things slowly and comfortably – Tai chi and qigong for health and relaxation are not meant to hurt! – ever!
qi exercise: Awakening the Chi:
opening position:
- stand with feet shoulder width apart
- feet parallel and facing 12:00
- imagine head lifted from crown
- chin tucked in slightly
- eyes forward and relaxed
- shoulders relaxed
- arms hang loosely down
- fingers gently apart and slightly curved
- palms towards body
- tailbone tucked in
- knees relaxed - slightly bent
transition move:
- bring hands together in front of body at Dantien
(2 finger widths below belly button) - palms face sky
- finger tips almost touching
raise hands:
- breathe in
- raise body
- raise hands to chest height
lower hands:
- breathe out
- turn palms face ground
- sink body
- lower hands to Dantien height
repeat raise hands thru lower hands 6 - 8 times
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return to opening position:
- breathe in
- raise body
- arc arms to hang loosely at sides
- palms face thighs
end of qi exercise
Putting it all together: