shi ba shi books
shi ba shi book list

Tai Chi Breathing: Your Health Booster!
Dissolve stress, improve your tai chi. Century Old Secrets Revealed In 5 Simple Steps...
Learn Chi Energy Manipulation
Discover the Real "Closed Door" unique techniques. You will be amazed.
qigong healing and hypnosis
combine qigong and hypnosis to master techniques
Shaolin qigong course
22 lessons and written instructions that build systematically on the week before. Discover how 15 minutes a day of our methods can help you
Free qigong course
Discover Master qigong and tai chi with this powerful
course. Sign up for free sample lessons...
First Steps to Chi Kung

K.Y.Wong ISBN 9781864760989 - in review pile!
Explains some of the basics of Shibashi a very small book with cryptic instructions and pictures that don't always quite match up. An interesting place to start.
Qigong for health and vitality

Taiji Qigong

by Chris Jarmey ISBN 1-903333-05-9. Covers the theory of Qi and the principles of practice and breathing. Uses line drawings to show the moves and gives some good tips about achieving the best effects. We've had a quick look and we like it. It's in the review pile.
Tai Chi for Stress Control and Relaxation

by Gary Khor (Author)
reveals the healing and health maintenance art of Tai Chi.
Developed from ancient Chinese philosophies, Tai Chi uses the principle of relaxation as a tool for good health.
This book gives step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations to help you follow the Tai Chi Qigong movements easily. It provides a thorough background to the development and principles of Tai Chi and makes it simple to understand.
sets from Australia

Chi Kung (Qi Gong) - Acucise your way to health Taiji Qi Gong Shibashi: 1st Set by Master Allan Kelson (English; 67 pages, b&w, illustrated; 14.5x21cm)
Chi Kung (Qi Gong) - Energy for life
Taiji Qi Gong Shibashi: 2nd Set
by Master Allan Kelson
(English; 64 pages, b&w, illustrated; 14.5x21cm)