tai chi instruction: speed of exercises

What do we mean by slow?
Good question!
To a large extent it depends of the style of tai chi or qigong you are doing. There is a huge difference between performing the routines for health and relaxation and performing them as a martial art.
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Going slowly requires more physical control, balance and co-ordination. On the plus side you have time to think about what you are doing - on the down side you are more likely to wobble when you are just starting out.
It's up to you - but remember that most qigong and tai chi looks graceful and flowing - not like a speeded up video.
And don't forget that the speed of the exercises is linked to your breathing. If
you co-ordinate your breathing with the tai chi moves, breathing in when you
expand your body and out when you pull it back in then a faster speed will leave
you looking like a speeded up video.
We practice to qigong music and use the rhythm of the music to dictate the speed of our moves. Find some nice tai chi music and get comfortable.
Time to get started. A good place to start is with shibashi If you find the tai chi instructions unclear or if you have any queries about the exercises or have some favourite qigong exercises that you would like to share then contact us .