the top picture for everyday tai chi

tai chi pictures

tai chi golden cockeral

  • introduction
  • postures
  • scenic tai chi

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    We have collected and bought the licence for some tai chi pictures to go with our posture pages and our step by step exercise instructions. Reading about tai chi and qigong is one thing – seeing what the moves look like is another!.

    We found it just makes it a lot easier if you can get an overview of the overall actions and the sequence – without trying to understand the words as well.

    Even better is to watch the tai chi video clips - because then you can see what the whole sequence looks likes.


    illustrated tai chi postures

    tai chi golden cockeral Where we have not been able to take our own photos (either because we can't do the form, or because the lighting is never good enough on the day we plan to take more photos!) we have purchased the licences or obtained permission from the copyright holder to use the photos - that why we ask you not to copy them. We simply do not have the right to give that permission.

    tai chi golden cockeral Mostly we use photos to illustrate individual postures - often the ones that look more dramatic because that's what people recognise.
    The one on the right is Golden cockerel stands on one leg. and you can see it in the yang tai chi forms. tai chi  snake creeps down

    This one on the left is snake creeps down - a very impressive move when done by someone with strength and flexibility. Again found in yang forms.


    tai chi in strange places

    tai chi fan posture To be honest this was us doing tai chi on our holidays - the photos are more useful for the beautiful Scottish scenery rather than good tai chi. If you'd like to see more Scottish scenery with just a little tai chi then see more tai chi in Scotland



    If you have any tai chi photos that you would like to see on the web site please  contact us . We'd be delighted to share them.
