everyday tai chi sitemap
our tai chi sitemap contains lots of information this list takes you to more detailed explanations about what is on the site:Top level index:
qigong information- introduction to qigong forms
shibashi | eight brocades | wild goose | - qigong exercises
- qigong videos
- qigong pictures
techniques and training articles and reviews human anatomy webmaster / newsletter resources accessories you may need legal stuff top
toptai chi information
There is a large chunk of tai chi information ranging from general overviews to specific instructions for individual taiji forms and exercises. topthe different tai chi styles
In taiji styles we give an overview of the main styles of taijiquan and have links to different videos so you can see what the differences look like in real life. topyang style
topchen style
toppopular tai chi forms
beijing 24 step form
There are many different tai chi forms - this one is the Beijing 24, or 24 step tai chi form. Have a look at its history and the names of the tai chi moves in the simplified Taijiquan form- beijing 24 form overview beijing 24 posture names | beijing 24 books | beijing 24 dvds | beijing 24 demonstrations | beijing 24 teaching clips | beijing 24 competition clips | beijing 24 resources |
yang short form
- yang short form introduction | posture names | books | dvds / tapes | demonstrations | teaching clips | competition clips | resources |
qigong information
an introduction covering the history, benefits and posture names. shibashi resources A bunch of resources for you to explore. includes files to download, and books and DVDs to enjoy and links to interesting shibashi sites.nd a list of all the posture names with links to our own easy to follow tai chi instructions; pictures of shibashi moves; files for you to download; other sites with instructions and a list of videos, dvds and books we found for you. If you don't want to read the descriptions and are happy to leap in - here are the links from the shibashi resources page- shibashi overview | history | posture names | benefits | memory chart | books | dvds / tapes | video clips | resources |
shibashi instructions
- postures 1 - 3 | postures 4 - 6 | postures 7 - 9 | postures 10 - 12 | postures 13 - 15 | postures 16 -18 |
shibashi pictures
topeight brocades
an introduction covering the history and the names of the posture names and 8 Pieces of Brocade resources related links books and tapes for other sites with brocade information- history | posture names | eight brocades teaching clips | books | eight brocades video clips | dvds | resources |
wild goose qigong
- introduction | posture names | video clips | books | resources |
qigong exercises
A list of the tai chi forms and qigong exercises that we are researching for you. Some of the forms and patterns lead to detailed tai chi instructions and pictures of the tai chi movements and other learning resources we have found - these are indented below. We add new material and resources now and then. keep me informed
- introduction to qigong exercises
- exercise index
opening moves | closing moves | upper back | lower back exercises | more lower back exercises | whole back exercises | gentle back turns | - qigong picture index
- qigong videos
- introduction
- our tai chi instructions
instruction layout | turning directions | basic breathing | speed of exercises | basic tai chi posture |
- beginning tai chi
how to get started | benefits of tai chi | about the exercises | limits and ability | practice | - posture |
training menu:
- tai chi training | how to learn tai chi | learn tai chi at home | learn tai chi online | typical class | our tai chi instructions |
tai chi video clips
tai chi lesson clips:
tai chi competition clips
qigong teaching clips
qigong demos
reviews and articles
How to avoid wasting money on taichi videos and DVDs. Get the facts here. Does it teach effectively? Who is it suitable for? Is it worth the money?human anatomy
Have a look at our pictures of human anatomy to help you understand the body mechanics of Tai Chi. And take a look at our tai chi exercise pages and try our free online tai chi instruction- spotlight on the spine
Improve your posture and get a better understanding of spine anatomy with our spine picture and explanations
chinese culture and philosophy
topwebmaster / newsletter resources
We have a
collection of clipart, wallpaper and other web graphics for your tai chi site,
news letters and ezines.
We have streets and buildings; people and Chinese
symbols galore - and more in production
streets | scenery | statues | buildings | general words | martial arts |
legal stuff
Tai Chi Disclaimer The content on the Everyday Taichi site is provided for informational purposes only. Always consult your physician or health care professional before taking up Tai Chi exercises. toptechnique
- basic guidelines Provides you with hints and tips to get the best out of our written instructions.
- perfect postureTo get
maximum benefits from your exercise it helps to understand the underlying Tai
Chi technique and body mechanics at work
pictures and video clips gallery
Reading about tai chi is one thing – seeing what the moves look like is another!. Tai Chi pictures, photos and video clips of experts making it look easy and graceful.
frequently asked questions
taichi information
got hundreds
of questions? Discover straightforward answers to the most common questions.
What is it? What are the benefits? What about limited mobility? Does it work?
- taichi information - a list of the all
questions covered in the FAQ area
Styles - what's in a name? - fitness and ability - can I do them?
- about tai chi exercises
- benefits
- learn qigong or tiaji chi - getting started
- training - what to look for in a teacher and classes
tai chi auctions shopping