taiji qigong: postures 1 thru 3
taiji qigong index - postures 1 -3
All the postures to be done at the same time are in small blocks. Each block has a name like transition move and then all the actions for you to do are indented.
For more help with basic techniques and the instruction layout go to tai chi instruction
- enjoy your taiji qigong
Raising the Arms
overall effect
It looks as though you are gently raising and sinking your body in time with raising and lowering your arms.
opening position:
- stand with feet shoulder width apart
- arms hang down
- palms face in to thighs
- relax body
- knees slightly bent
raise arms to shoulders:
- turn palms face out to back
- fingers downwards and slightly curved
- breathe in
- raise body
- draw arms up to shoulder height and width
- palms face down
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
return arms to sides:
- turn palms face out to front
- fingers upwards and slightly curved
- breathe out
- sink body down with knees slightly bent
- draw arms down to thighs
- palms face out to back
repeat: raise arms to shoulders thru return arms to sides 8 times
end of this taiji qigong shibashi instruction
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Opening the Chest
overall effect
It looks like you are hugging a big balloon and then letting it go ....
raise arms to shoulders:
- breathe in
- raise body
- draw arms up to shoulder height and width
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
- palms face down
open arms out:
- turn palms facing each other
- draw hands away from each other
- arms fully extended to sides
- keep elbows slightly bent
close arms in:
- turn palms facing each other
- breathe out
- draw hands together to shoulder width apart
return arms to sides:
- turn palms face out to front
- fingers upwards and slightly curved
- sink body down with knees slightly bent
- draw arms down to thighs
- palms face out to back
repeat: raise arms to shoulders thru return arms to sides 8 times
end of this taiji qigong shibashi instruction
return to taiji qigong index or top
Painting a Rainbow
overall effect
Imagine turning your head from side to side as you look at something on your out stretched palm - while trying to cover the crown of your head with your other hand.
raise arms over head:
- breathe in
- raise body
- draw arms straight up fully extended
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
- turn palms facing each other
turn to left:
- transfer body weight to right leg
- turn body to 10:30
- keep knees slightly bent
- extend left arm out to left side at shoulder height
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
- left palm up
- turn head to left
- eyes focus on extended left palm
- slightly curve waist over towards extended palm
- curve right arm over head
- right palm faces down above center of head
return to center:
- breathe out
- transfer weight so weight is equal in both legs
- draw both arms up fully extended above head
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
- palms facing each other
- turn body from waist to 12:00
turn to right:
- transfer body weight to left leg
- turn body to 1:30
- keep knees slightly bent
- extend right arm out to right side at shoulder height
- elbows and wrists slightly bent
- right palm up
- turn head to right
- eyes focus on extended right palm
- slightly curve waist over towards extended palm
- curve left arm over head
- left palm faces down above center of head
Repeat: turn to left thru turn to right 4 times
end of this shibashi instruction
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