wild goose qigong dvds
wild goose qigong is a huge system we found that only Dr Hu
covers most of the range. Everyone else just had versions of the first and
second sets.
Also for the first time we found that it was possible to download or rent wildgoose dvds from Amazon and its almost 50% cheaper and no postage (a lot of Dr Hu's dvds are available). Snag is that it is only available to people in the USA.And we still found some VHS tapes
combined 1st and 2nd set with Yang Meijun comments

Yang Mei Jun, gives explanations in the program regarding the key points for every phase in the 128-posture routine form.
Note: A pupil performs the moves.
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Wild goose dvds by Dr. Hu
Dr Hu has produced a range of DVDs that cover most of the published wild
goose system. You can get them from
dr hu at amazon
For more information about what each dvd covers have a look at our
wild goose system overview

1 - First 64 Movements
Physically the form rotates and moves all the major joints leading to increased flexibility, co-ordination and improved circulation of both qi and blood.

2 - Second 64 Movements
The 2nd 64 movements covers a complex range of techniques including weight shifting - slightly different from traditional taiji weight distribution - coupled with changes of pace and emphasis in the center periphery - splitting movements.

3 - Kunlun Bagua
In some ways this qigong revises the basics of fluid weight shifting, core stability and balance and adds the need to co-ordinate upper and lower body movement to both the turns of the hands and the turning of the body.

4 - Tripod and Spiral
Tripod and spiral is unique in providing a variety of training within one set of qigong movements, ranging from postures, relaxation, stretching, the free flow of qi, and finally achieving the microcosmic orbit.

5 - Soft Palms
Soft Palms Qigong is an intermediate skill level qigong requiring coordination and agility with a range of backward and forwards walking coordinated with the turning and softening of the wrists and palms.

6 - Patting the Meridians
Simply put, you pat the 12 meridians in a set sequence while walking a Kunlun Bagua circle.
7 - Back Stretching

7 stretches the spine and opens the Governing Vessel using a deceptively simple Chinese figure eight movement to relax the entire waist and hips while Bagua walking.
8 - Five Element Qigong

9 - Chest Opening Aromatic Qigong


Wild Goose Qigong: 1st 64 Movements by Michael Tse
As you can see you need to buy 3 dvds to cover the first 64 movements.And then to say that they are difficult to find unless you buy directly from his site visit the site

Wild Goose Qi Gong, By Lu Yuzhi.
1st 64 movements
An initial demonstration of the entire 64-movements of
the first form, followed by step-by-step teaching of groups of movements. Each
movement is shown three or more times. There are front, rear and side views. At
the end there is a demonstration of the form from the rear.
VHS 120 mins Narrated by Jiang Jian-ye." Lu Yuzhi Dayan Qigong set 1

Wild Goose Qi Gong, By Lu Yuzhi.
2nd 64 movements
A demonstration of the entire 2nd 64 forms from front
and back. Each form is taught 3-4 times with front and back views.
Lu Yuzhi dayan Qigong set 2
VHS tapes
Wild Goose Qigong by Hong-Chao Zhang

Dayan Qigong,
First and 2nd 64 Movement Form

Volumes 44 &45 of Traditional China's Living Treasures Series contains 1st 64
set visit
Volume 46 & 47 contains 2nd 64 set visit site,